• NAME: Oscar Morales

  • SPECIES: Vampire

  • GENDER: Male

  • BUILD: 5'10" / 175 lbs.

  • HOMEWORLD: Auroverse

  • CITIZENSHIP: Los Lunares

  • OCCUPATION: Architect

  • BIRTHDATE: July 15

  • STR: +3

  • DEX: +3

  • FOR: +2

  • INT: +2

  • WIS: +1

  • RES: +3

  • POW: +2

  • CHA: +4

  • VIT: +2

  • EDUCATION: Tutorship

  • LANGUAGES: Spanish, Eng.

  • ALIGNMENT: Rebel Moral

  • OBJECTIVE: Shelter and defend hunted cryptids.

Trade in my soul? She can have it.
Let me introduce you to my new bad habit...

APPEARANCE (physique)
Oscar is a lean man, supple and lightly muscled. Predatory yet approachable, his odd features include slightly pointed ear tips, talons instead of nails, and eyes that fall somewhere between brown and red. Unkept dark hair often needs to be slicked back, which just only seems to add to his overflowing charm. A key with large, angelic wings (back) and consist of his tattoos.

APPEARANCE (clothing)
Oscar is one to dress for whatever occasion happens to arise. More often than not, he prefers business-causal apparel for the daily grind, the main set of which compromises of a navy-blue dress jacket and pants, a white button-up shirt, dark-brown loafers, and either a tasteful or flavorful tie. Depending on the weather, a handkerchief necktie might be utilized instead.

PERSONALITY (positives)
Oscar is a people's person through thick and thin. Diplomatic in nature, sharp-witted in mind, and silver of the tongue, catching him in a foul mood is difficult, as he's quick to recover from social slights and slow to concede when it comes to conflict, be it physical, mental, or otherwise.

PERSONALITY (negatives)
Oscar is bitter from being deeply wronged and harbors a vengeful spirit. Pleasures of the flesh and hedonism are just bad coping mechanisms for a much bigger problem, and when it comes to those who have managed to earn his wrath, he'll end them with nothing short of a furious smile.

BACKGROUND (childhood, 00 - 12)
Oscar Morales was born into the Salablanca (Whitehall) family during the year of 1722. Luxuriously wealthy Spaniards, when their influence reached the Central American town of El Isanejo, one of their to-be-married bachelors slept with a local woman. By the time anyone figured out the scandal, his father had returned to Spain, leaving him with a single mother.

BACKGROUND (teenhood, 13 - 19)
Oscar spent the majority of his teenage years as something of a rapscallion. Too young to be self-sufficient, but too old to have no excuse when it came to contributing to his household, his days were ones spent completing chores or tricking his half-siblings into doing it instead, and more often than not, he left no one the wiser when it came to his cunning shenanigans.

BACKGROUND (adulthood, 20 - 35+)
Oscar took an interest in a woman called Etzli, who lured him to his death as a sacrifice for a vampiric monster. Too resilient for his own good, or perhaps just unlucky, he found himself transformed into a vampire shortly after the cult was wiped by a family of cryptid hunters. With no one to guide him, he was left to feed as little more than another beast in the jungle.

BACKGROUND (the present, 199X)
Oscar eventually found himself pulled from the brink of a feral existence by another cryptid, who welcomed him into their larcenist family. Several years passed, and after a sour fallout, he traveled to the western territories of the United States and helped found the blemished city of Los Lunares where he has stayed, especially after catching wind of Etzli once again.

SPECIALTIES (vampire attributes, dominion)
Oscar is a vampire and able to shapeshift in part and whole. Armed with several natural features, he possesses enhanced physical attributes and a healing factor that mends some injuries. Dominion allows him to bend weak-willed minds and step between shadows within his line of sight.

EXPERTISES (adept larceny, swarmer boxing)
Oscar is an extremely talented larcenist and thief, capable of discreetly trespassing, picking pockets, and breaking through most locks, given he has the right resources. In a different vein, he recreationally partakes in boxing to sharpen his reflexes and skills and plays the swarmer style.

ACCESSORIES (magic tattoo, shady contacts)
Oscar is tattooed with a winged key that allows items to be stored in and summoned from hammerspace. On the more social side of things, he keeps numerous contacts both clean and shady that can be called upon when in need, so long as he has the means or money to pay the price.

WEAKNESSES (silver and rowan, sunlight)
Oscar is vulnerable against noble silver, which weakens his enhanced physical attributes and slows his healing factor, while attempting to bypass anything made of rowan wood will result in a magic barrier. Sunlight blisters his skin on contact and prolonged exposure is fatal.


Selectively Searching

BAT OUTTA HELL (adventurers, vigilantes)
Oscar hits a low after being turned and left to die. While terrorizing the inhabitants of a small jungle village by night, he ends up accidentally stopping what would otherwise be a terrible and unlawful execution.


Action, Horror,
Historic Fantasy

DISAPPEARING ACT (mercenaries, thieves)
Oscar finds himself coerced back into his old ways as a thief to help in a two-man job from the local monster mobsters. Many of the tables turn topside when their mark reveals more dangerous secrets than thought.


Action, Comedy,
Modern Fantasy

FANGS FOR MEMORY (criminals, detectives)
Oscar dives into the criminal underworld once again when vampires are being targeted by a niche group that harvests their fangs for an euphoric street drug. Steps need to be taken to put the goons out of business.


Action, Thriller,
Modern Fantasy

GHOULISH GALA (civilians, investigators)
Oscar attends a gala in search of evidence that will incriminate someone using the annual fundraiser as a front for their black market auction. Not only must the party stop it from going through, but do so in style.


Action, Mystery,
Modern Fantasy

An ancient cult heralding eternal night...

The Claw of Camazotz promises a world in darkness. With their influence largely destroyed and founding leader in torpor, they are but a shadow of the force they used to be, but unlike their vampiric followers, the hope of a modern comeback is all but deceased.

SPECIALTIES: Followers, Vampire Boons
WEAKNESSES: Morality, Vampire Banes

Vampire - Male - 7'2" / 271 lbs. - 1,750+ y/o.

Camazotz took upon himself the guise of the titular Mayan death-bat god and built a vampiric following. Metamorphized into a monstrous half-man, half-bat, any semblance of the mortal he used to be has long since been lost to the past along with his true name.

SPECIALTIES: Vampire Attributes, Dominion
WEAKNESSES: Silver & Rowan, Sunlight

Vampire - Female - 5'6" / 126 lbs. - 450+ y/o.

Eztli once served as the high priestess in the Claw of Camazotz. After their forced disbandment, she fled to North America and has largely remained quiet as to discreetly regain her former presence through the use of social media and collecting artifacts of the Maya.

SPECIALTIES: Vampire Attributes, Presence
WEAKNESSES: Silver & Rowan, Sunlight

Human Ward - Female - 5'4" / 147 lbs. - 47 y/o.

Maxine Deckard traces her roots back to a family of Dutch monster hunters. One of the last children in a dying lineage, her history with cryptids eventually blossomed into something symbiotic after willingly undergoing a blood bond in order to exact justice.

SPECIALTIES: Longevity, Super Strength
WEAKNESSES: Mortality, Bloodbound

Tires rolling like thunder on a desert road heralded their journey. The sensation might've been alluring – comforting, even – for his love of travel to fall asleep to, if it weren't for the ironic fact that Oscar couldn't see a thing.Fear had a distinctive smell, or so many vampires liked to think. Oscar was never much of a crier, but the same couldn’t be said for whatever poor sod formerly occupied the salty sack that had been thrown over his head. Could the mob really not be bothered to clean it for just one abduction? After all, he was no base prey – a guest, one might say, considering he had the privilege of being invited as to being kidnapped.Be that as it may, secrets were still secrets, and things like murder, trafficking, and thievery all but properly mixed, so it came as no surprise that the Bed of Scorpions wanted him coming in blind. While he had had the pleasure of working with them prior only once, he knew by rumors alone for their leader, Jack Hatchett, to be a private and voracious man... if one could call him a man.Ka-thunk! Ka-thunk!Crunching gravel signaled their transition off the beaten path, and as the illumination beyond the fabric of his head bag shifted from dusk to dark, Oscar couldn't help but feel a bit more at ease – that is, until another thought crossed his mind. Had nighttime finally taken hold, or were they being transported underground? "Mmm, could someone give me the time of day?" he asked.Disappointingly stoic, an answer from his escorts never quite made itself present. Instead, he found himself led down and out by two goons, each holding him by an arm. Thankfully brief, the walk ended when he fumbled through a pair of doors, which promptly slammed shut before the bag was whisked from his head.Oscar heard it before he saw anything.[I ain't got a fever, I got a permanent disease!]
[It'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy!]
Was that... Bon Jovi? Huh.Apart from being warm, well-lit, and impeccable in its musical taste, the office reeked with the faint undertone of cured meat – an odd scent, he thought – but was otherwise fit for a burglar's wet dream. Plush textiles welcome his weary feet. Display shelves of wine tempted the palette. A miniature library in the back offered ample entertainment, while an adjacent door to the left of the shelves made his curiosity buzz. The source of the music boomed from somewhere behind.[I got lots of money, but it isn't what I need!]
[Gonna take more than a shot to get this poison out of me!]
Dog days of robbery and mischief were far behind him, but try as he might, a small part of his insatiable appetite for material things made him wonder if anyone was looking. A quick glance behind told him that he was, in fact, not alone; two goons (the same ones from before, he presumed) diligently stood guard at either side of the main entrance.Little could hide the disappointment on his face. "I don't suppose either of you know how long the wait will be, or–?"–But he never got a chance to finish his question. The doors flapped open once more, dumping out another person, their head obscured by a sack just as his had been. Oscar furrowed his brow.No one said anything about this being a two-man engagement.